Doug Gorman
CEO, Simply XML, LLC.Start
August 17, 2016 - 2:00 PM
August 17, 2016 - 3:00 PM
With structured writing and structured mark-up as a fulfilling interest The Technical Guy (TTG) and ROTO from the (Rest Of The Organization) have found love and fulfillment. They see the light and want to join forces to create a common content architecture with the assumption of one big happy family. This powerful love and commitment means information reuse, flexible publishing, saving money, happier customers and an improved “brand.” When consummated, this marriage needs to last.
There may be hope for the extended Modern Family. Over the past couple of decades various parts of this family (organization) have figured out that structured writing improves not just the look and feel, but also the usability of content. Technical people have embraced XML where enthusiasm has begun to reach cult status. Some limbs to the family tree have realized that structure improves content, but this has been implemented in addition to the “real work” going on in marketing departments, training organizations, compliance areas, policy and procedure groups, and more. Maybe some branches even adopted writing standards like Information Mapping.
The family needs to support the marriage, but the marriage needs to support the family. So let’s be realistic because this large diverse extended Modern Family has different needs and priorities and maybe even some “bad apples.” This webinar seeks one big happy Modern Family and will consider:
- The evolution of structured writing
- The evolution of XML-based content
- The needs of information consumers
- Available functionality for modern authoring and publishing.
- Modern content supply chain processes, and
- How to make it work for everyone in the family on a realistic budget.