Membership Benefits

The key values of STC membership are access to best-in-class technical communication education and training programs, career development, professional networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. STC membership helps support the mission of STC to advance the theory and practice of technical communication, a mission that benefits consumers worldwide.

Certified Professional Technical Communicator

Certified Professional Technical Communicator

Professional certifications demand a robust understanding of the knowledge and specialized skills that are necessary to perform with a high degree of competence in a field. Additional annual requirements for training or practice ensure currency of skill and knowledge of new developments in that field. In every profession, professional certification helps employee, employer, and the consumer.


Job Bank

Gain access to exclusive full-time, part-time and contract job opportunities around the world. In addition to identifying career opportunities, members can post a resume, post an employment opportunity, or access professional resources designed to help technical communicators at every stage of their career.

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Career Center


Members receive online access to STC’s award-winning, globally recognized publications, including Intercom magazine and the peer-reviewed Technical Communication journal, plus STC’s Notebook blog, the TechComm Today eNewsletter, and the annual Salary Database.

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Leverage the power of 42 chapters and 10 special interest groups (SIGs) consisting of members from around the world. Build lifelong relationships and advance your career through participation in STC’s global community of technical communicators.

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Corporate Value Program

Companies who employ five or more technical communicators can save on overall cost of Classic memberships for their staff by enrolling in the Corporate Value Program (CVP). Those who join receive benefits such as ePublications, discounted professional development programs, and discounted conference registration for each enrolled staff member.

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STC Mentor Board

The STC Mentor Board is where professionals connect to establish mentor/mentee relationships that foster personal and professional growth and development. Serving as a mentor or becoming a mentee can help you direct your future, expand your professional network, gain knowledge and perspective on the workplace, and deliver tremendous personal satisfaction.

STC Mentor Board


Whether you prefer networking online or face-to-face, STC offers a variety of networking opportunities to members. STC strives to create as many opportunities as possible for members to network, share ideas, exchange knowledge, and advance their careers.

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Body of Knowledge

For more than 50 years, the Society for Technical Communication (STC) has been the definitive resource on technical communication as well as an advocate for professional technical communicators. The TCBOK welcomes new content topics, contributions to existing content topics, student projects, and questions about the project. There is a huge amount of knowledge in the technical communication profession.


Member Perks

Through the STC Member Perks Program, members can take advantage of a variety of services and products, which are offered at special member discounts. Participation in these programs can result in achieving a true return on your investment in membership.

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