Welcome to Tech Comm Week 2024!
Join STC and our friends at APMG International for STC's week focused on TechComm!
Each day we will have programs and resources that you can use to further your techcomm career. Check back regularly to receive complete access to recordings of live events as well as new resources!
Schedule At a Glance

Tech Comm Week programs:
Each program will have either an access link to the free live program (open just before the event) or provide a registration link below to register. Contact membership@stc.org with questions.
Not sure if you can attend a live program? For events that require pre-registration, all registered attendees will receive a link to the recording. Be sure to pre-register by any deadlines to receive access information. The Panel Discussion and Certification chat programs will be recorded and the videos will be posted on the KnowledgeXchange YouTube channel. Don't miss a single event!
Monday, 29 January 2024 | 1:00 to 2:00 PM ET
KnowledgeXchange Panel Discussion – CPTC Certification Program Overview and Top 10 Study Tips
Presented by: Craig Baehr
Join us for an interactive session on the CPTC Program, including an overview of the three levels and nine core competencies, what you need to know about the exam, sample questions, informative resources available, and the top study tips for preparing for each of the exams. We’ll also be available to answer your questions about the program, too.
Missed the live program? Watch the recording!
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 | 2:00 to 3:00 PM ET
Hacking into Cybersecurity: How Technical Communicators Can Succeed in Cyber
Presented by: Melissa Closser, BISO UX Lead, Parsons Corporation
This webinar is presented as a part of our general education offerings. Pre-registration is required. Registration fees may apply.
We hear the media say there is a growing need for technical communicators in the cybersecurity industry. But how do we hack our way into it, especially when it wasn’t part of our original career path? Melissa Closser explains how she took her non-traditional cybersecurity role and created an entire department devoted to changing the way security ‘speaks cyber’.
She’ll share her personal story of what she did to transform herself into a cybersecurity professional. She’ll explain how she utilized her TechComm skills to translate cyber while adding storytelling to engage her audiences. Finally, she’ll wrap up with giving her recommendations that’ll help you marry TechComm and cyber to deliver powerful results.
Missed registering for the live program? Order the recording! (fees apply)
Wednesday, 31 January 2024 | 12:00 to 1:00 PM ET
STC Education Round-Up: Part 1
Come join STC education committee member Susan Lang as she speaks with some of our 2024 online course instructors as they discuss their program's content, who should take their course, and how their course can apply to your skill set and knowledge base in tech comm. If you've ever had questions about our courses and how it might fit in your professional development, then this free session is for you!
The following course instructors will be available for your questions: (schedule subject to change)
Saul Carliner – TechComm Manager
Leah Guren – TechComm Fundamentals Bootcamp/TechComm 201: Beyond the Basics
Meg Vezzu – Introduction to Technical Editing
Danielle Hennis – Designing for Non-Designers/Rethinking Presentations
Heather Hedden – Taxonomy Creation for Content Tagging
Missed the live program? Watch the recording!
Thursday, 1 February 2024 | 12:00 to 1:00 PM ET
STC Education Round-Up: Part 2
Join STC education committee members Laura Palmer and Kylie Jacobsen as they speak to a entirely new panel of 2024 online course instructors and discuss program's content, who should take their course, and how courses can apply to your skill set and knowledge base in tech comm. If you've ever had questions about our courses and how it might fit in your professional development, then this free session is for you!
The following course instructors will be available for your questions: (schedule subject to change)
Ben Woelk – CPTC Foundation Prep Course (RIT)/Cybersecurity Fundamentals for TechComm Professionals
Geraldine Woods – TechComm Grammar
Laura Palmer – Making the Case for Accessibility
Christina Mayr: So You Want to be a Technical Writer/How To Create the Perfect Technical Writer Resume
Guiseppe Getto: So You Want to be a Technical Writer/Content Strategy for Technical Communicators
Missed the live program? Watch the recording!
Friday, 2 February 2024 | 2:00 to 3:00 PM ET
Join STC President, Tim Esposito, and new Executive Director, Tim Shaw, as they host a series of town-hall meetings to talk directly with STC members. The Tims plan on updating the members on what STC is doing and where things are going. Expect a few happy (we hope) surprises along the way. Each town-hall will have time for questions and will build on the questions from the previous one(s).
Missed the live program? Watch the recording!
Monday through Friday, 29 January to 2 February 2024 | 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET
TechComm Week Slack Channel
Moderator: Erin Gallalee, STC Director of Membership
Description: Reach out the STC staff and our participants in Tech Comm week live in Slack as we answer your questions about STC membership, tech comm, and CPTC
Current User of STC's Slack Workspace: Open Slack, add the channel #techcommweek, and join the conversation!
New to Slack/STC's Workspace: Download Slack & join STC's Workspace, add the channel #techcommweek, and join the conversation!
Additional Resources available to you:
Throughout the week, STC will be launching new resources and programs daily and these will be available only for a limited time. Be sure to check back regularly to take advantage of all Tech Comm Week has to offer!
Complimentary Intercom Magazine Download
STC has made the January/February 2023 Intercom, “Professional Credentials” available as a complimentary issue to all who request it during #TechCommWeek. Learn how to build the optimal skill set for your technical communication career! Download here!
Lifelong Learning Podcast
S5-Ep2 | Navigating AI, Creativity, and Community in Technical Communication
with Liz Herman, STC Board Vice President/Incoming President
Released: Wednesday, 31 January 2024!
In this episode, Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International, welcomes Liz Herman, elected Vice President of the Society for Technical Communication and a Senior Manager in knowledge content training with Accenture Federal Services.
Join Richard and Liz on this compelling journey through the evolving realm of technical communication and the delicate balance between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence.
What is Technical Communication?
Written by: Helen Platt, Project & Relationship Manager, APMG International
In this blog, APMG’s very own Helen Platt talks you through everything you need to know about Technical Communication: what it is, what the role involves and how you can become one >> https://ow.ly/j4qc50QumGF If you are interested in finding out more about Technical Communication, the Society for Technical Communication holds a TechCommWeek every year, and the next one is happening on the last Monday of January! Find out more on STC's website >> https://lnkd.in/eGM97bb2
STC Platinum Anniversary Retrospective
Speaker: Nicky Bleiel
STC recorded webinar | 1 November 2023
The Society for Technical Communication turned 70 in 2023! Technical communication has been around since roughly 6000 BC, which means STC has been successfully shepherding our ever-evolving profession for a fraction of its existence. Our field is always growing and changing, and STC has changed right along with it. Join us in celebration of the Society – we’ll take a quick spin through history, talk about anniversary events, and share some STC fun facts. Learn more about STC’s history on the anniversary webpage: www.stc.org/about-stc/stc-70th-anniversary.
Writing a Book Review for STC's Technical Communication Journal
Speaker: Jackie Damrau
STC recorded webinar | 25 October 2023
Do you love reading professional books? STC's Technical Communication journal is an excellent place for you to provide a book review from a specially curated list of titles relevant to the technical communication field. Watch this webinar to hear the current Book Review Editor share details on how to write a good book review and how to become an STC Book Reviewer.
KnowledgeXchange Panel Discussion Recordings
New to the TechComm industry and are unsure how to get started? View our KnowledgeXChange panel discussions! Our KnowledgeXchange program is an initiative for new TechComm professionals (as well as those new to STC) to receive free educational and networking opportunities to help you get started in your TechComm career. Our panel discussions are information-led moderated sessions with seasoned TechComm professionals who will answer the most common questions we get asked about the industry and what you need to know to start your career as a TechComm professional.
Previous TechComm Week resources are still available to you:
Did you miss a previous Tech Comm Week? Below are more links to programs and resources from previous events!
S4-Ep6 | The Evolution of Technical Communication
Recorded 3 February 2023
By Richard Pharro, APMG CEO, interview with STC 2022-2023 Board President Aiessa Moyna
Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) candidate showcase
Meg Nelson, Senior Technical Writer, shares her experience of CPTC training and certification.
How Professional Certification Can Boost Your Career – STC's Notebook blog
By Craig Baehr, CPTC Chief Examiner
Objectively demonstrate your expertise and skills, regardless of your career level, specialization, or professional goals.
Technical Communication in Enterprise – Implementing Best Practice
Podcast with Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International and Timothy Esposito, STC member and Board Secretary.
APMG's guest in this episode of their podcast is STC member Timothy Esposito, who talks about implementing best practice Technical Communication at Oracle.
How to get started in a Technical Communication career – APMG International blog
Liz Herman shares her journey into Technical Communication and why she is such a huge advocate.
A Day in the Life of a TC Professional – presented by AMPG International
In this episode, STC member Liz Herman shares her passion for Knowledge Management and the Technical Communication role and community.
Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) Candidate Showcase – APMG International blog
STC member Anne Hempy shares her feedback on CPTC training and certification.
Ten top tips for passing the CPTC Foundation exam – APMG International blog
Ben Woelk trainer and practitioner of Technical Communication provides ten top tips for passing the CPTC Foundation certification exam.
So You Want to Be A Technical Writer? 5 Things to Focus On
Recorded at Tech Comm Week 2022
Speakers: Guiseppe Getto, Christina Mayr
Description: Technical writer is the job that many in tech comm start at. It is a bridge to the rest of the field. Based on our combined experience mentoring scores of new technical writers, we have found that there are five keys to becoming a successful technical writer: learning what tech comm is, learning skill sets, learning tools, networking, and creating a portfolio. If you master these five activities, you’ll be able to launch a successful career as a technical writer. If you don’t, you probably will struggle to find steady employment in the field. Join us for a webinar to learn how you can apply these activities to your own career.
You must complete a short registration form to receive access to the recording link.
How to Prepare a Manuscript for STC's Technical Communication journal
Recorded at Tech Comm Week 2022
Speaker: Miriam F. Williams
Description: STC’s research journal, Technical Communication, publishes the following types of articles:
- Reports of original research on technical communication topics
- Original contributions to technical communication theory
- Case studies of issues or problems addressed by technical communication
- Tutorials on technical communication processes or procedures that respond to new laws, standards, requirements, techniques, or technologies
- Reviews of research, bibliographies, and bibliographic essays on technical communication
This webinar will introduce you to the types of articles the journal publishes and our manual preparation, submission, and review procedures.
You must complete a short registration form to receive access to the recording link.