Advertising with STC
The Society offers advertisers a number of high-impact, low-cost, exclusive marketing opportunities through its website, online publications, and award-winning print magazines, Intercom and the Technical Communication journal. We also have exhibit space and sponsorships available for our annual conference, the Technical Communication Summit. For information on advertising and sponsorship packages, please contact our Business Development Manager.
Advertising, Marketing, and Sponsorship Opportunities
Intercom Magazine
Intercom, STC’s monthly magazine, publishes articles about the issues and topics that are driving the conversation in the world of technical communication. Each month, Intercom highlights the thought leaders and practitioners that are shaping the future of the profession and delivering exceptional value to companies, nonprofits, and government organizations around the world.
Intercom magazine is distributed to STC members and subscribers in one of two preferred formats: printed and mailed to those who have purchased print copies, and notification emailed to members who choose to receive the digital version. It is published 10 times per year. STC offers frequency discounts for ad rates, making multiple insertions much more affordable. The digital version is also produced in a Flash magazine format, which allows many ad enhancements, including ad animation, streaming video, a lead generation form, and other options to make your ad stand out.
Intercom Online
The online home for Intercom provides HTML and PDF options for members who do not purchase the print edition. The Intercom website is one of the Society’s premier online products and is continuously being refined to meet the changing needs of members and subscribers. Button ads are available on the home page and interior pages. Intercom publishes 8 times a year.
Technical Communication Journal
Technical Communication, the Society’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal, publishes articles about the practical application of technical communication theory and serves as a common arena for discussion by practitioners. Technical Communication includes both quantitative and qualitative research while showcasing the work of some of the field’s most noteworthy writers. Technical Communication is published quarterly (February, May, August, and November) and available to both members and institutional subscribers in print and electronic formats. Both print ads and online button ads on the home page are available.
STC's Salary Database
STC's Salary Database is a vetted economic report for employees and employers working in technical communication jobs. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in North America, the database offers insights on how the economy has and will continue to influence the demand for technical writers. The database consists of both Excel workbooks and a PDF report. Sponsorships receive ads in the report and Excel workbooks and on the Salary Database website.
STC's Notebook
STC's Notebook is the official blog for STC members and is also open to the public. STC's Notebook provides formal and informal announcements, further information on important subjects, spotlights on communities and members, and links of interest. Button ads are available on the blog.
STC Website & Network
The STC website is the premier online destination for all things related to theory and practice of technical communication. is a continuously evolving online resource for members, academics, the media, and the public. Each of STC’s professional and student Chapters, and every Special Interest Group, has a robust online presence within the community. Banner, skyscraper, and button ads are available throughout the site.
Direct Mail/Email Marketing
The Society offers exceptional marketing opportunities for organizations that produce products and services for technical communication professionals. Marketers can gain access to the best technical communication professionals in the world through direct mail and email marketing campaigns.
STC Technical Communication Summit & Expo
Our annual conference, the Technical Communication Summit & Expo, provides the opportunity for exhibiting and face-to-face networking with potential customers and clients. It is the premier event to unveil and demonstrate new and exciting products, services, and technology to the world of technical communication. Display your organization in our Expo Hall, or sponsor one of many items to put your company's name front and center for our attendees. Visit for full information on the Summit.