Fabrice Lacroix
CEO of AntidotStart
February 21, 2019 - 2:00 PM
February 21, 2019 - 3:00 PM
With the adoption of new privacy regulations (the EU’s GDPR, the US’s Privacy Shield, and others), regulatory bodies are going to pressure the internet industry into a regime of strict consumer protections. If companies want to be part of lucrative and growing markets, they are going to have to comply with these new regulations, designed to protect customers’ privacy. Requiring opt-in to data gathering, rather than onerous opt-out; making it easier to move your data to a preferred carrier; enhanced data protection measures and requirements; transparency about data breaches; the appointment of data protection officers; and severe penalties; are just some of regulators’ new gifts to the consumer. We will review the constraints imposed by these major regulations, what they mean in terms of features and architecture in content delivery platforms, and how enterprises can retool to meet them and compete successfully.