
Heather Hedden

Senior Consultant, Enterprise Knowledge LLC

Heather Hedden has been a taxonomist for over 25 years in various organizations and as an independent consultant. She currently works as a Senior Consultant with the information and knowledge management company Enterprise Knowledge LLC, helping clients with their taxonomy projects. Previously worked in taxonomy roles at Semantic Web Company (vendor of PoolParty taxonomy management software), […]

Hans van der Meij

Hans van der Meij is a lecturer in instructional design. His research focus is minimalism and instructional video design for software training.

Hilary Marsh

Founder and Chief Strategist

Heidi Lawrence, PhD

Assistant Professor, George Mason University

Heather Hedden

Senior Vocabulary Editor, Gale, Former Taxonomy Consultant and Author of the Accidental Taxonomist

Huatong Sun


Dr. Huatong Sun is a researcher, educator, and consultant in cross-cultural technology design and intercultural technical communication at University of Washington Tacoma. Her award-winning book “Cross-Cultural Technology Design” (Oxford University Press, 2012) presented an innovative design methodology, Culturally Localized User Experience (CLUE), that integrates action and meaning through a dialogical, cyclical design process to create usable […]

Han Yu

Han Yu is Professor of Technical Communication at English Department, Kansas State University. She teaches technical, engineering, science, and business communication classes to undergraduate and graduate students. Her current research focuses on visual communication in science and technology. Han has worked in industry as a technical editor and is the founder of Pub and Prosper […]


Society for Technical Communication
11110 Sunset Hills Road | Reston, VA 20195