Heather Hedden
Senior Consultant, Enterprise Knowledge LLC
Heather Hedden has been a taxonomist for over 25 years in various organizations and as an independent consultant. She currently works as a Senior Consultant with the information and knowledge management company Enterprise Knowledge LLC, helping clients with their taxonomy projects. Previously worked in taxonomy roles at Semantic Web Company (vendor of PoolParty taxonomy management software), Gale/Cengage Learning, Viziant, First Wind, and Project Performance Corp. Heather has designed and developed, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and metadata schema for internal and externally published content, including websites, intranets, and content management systems and previously was a freelance book indexer. She gives workshops on taxonomy creation at numerous conferences and as corporate training. Through Hedden Information Management she also teaches an online course in taxonomy creation. Heather is author of The Accidental Taxonomist, 3rd edition.