School's back in session! Make the most of your membership by beefing up your education report card. This week, we've got a pair of FREE member-only webinars.
This Week:
We've got two great returning online courses starting this week. First up is the ever-popular Technical Editing Foundations with Li-At Rathbun, Technical Editing SIG co-manager. Interested in technical editing as a career, or need a refresher? Then this course is for you. It starts tomorrow, 1 November, at 10:00 AM EDT (GMT-4), and runs through 13 December (skipping 22 November).
On Thursday, another favorite returns with Instructional Design for Technical Communicators with instructional design expert Saul Carliner. As a technical communicator, you may be called upon to create tutorials, courses, or other instructional materials. How can you use your techcomm skills to create the most effective instructional program? Let Saul be your guide. The course starts Thursday, 2 November, and runs through 30 November (skipping 23 November) at 2:00 PM EST/EDT (GMT-4/5).
Still looking to squeeze in some education this week, but don't have the time to devote to an online course? We've also got a great webinar on the docket for tomorrow, 1 November: Building Competencies in Technical Communication. This presentation attempts to answer the question—how do technical communicators know the things that we know?—by examining and reporting on various sites for professionalization, learning, and growth across our field. Learn strategies to gain experience in the field, expand competencies, and understand challenges that face technical communicators. The webinar is tomorrow, 1 November at 2:00 PM EDT (GMT-4).
Recorded Webinars:
If you've missed a webinar, don't worry! Recordings of all STC webinars from 2017 through the spring are available for purchase. Use this link to access the STC store and browse our recorded webinars: