How Have You Used STC’s Salary Database?

Recent President's Award winner Rick O'Sullivan is working on the 2010 Salary Database (using 2009 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) for publication later in the year, and we're looking for suggestions on what you'd like to see added as well as comments on what you've found helpful in the past.

Rick heard from a few people at the Summit in Dallas about how they used last year's Salary Database. One member stated that he got a very healthy raise in part by using the material in the Database. Another stated that his entire department was moved from contractor to full-time status using the information in the Salary Database as backup. That's the kind of stuff we like to hear: that we're positively affecting our members.

Were you able to make use of the Salary Database last year? If so, how? Is there something you'd like to see added, discussed, or evaluated with this year's Salary Database? If so, what? Either comment below or send me an email and I'll forward it along to Rick as he works on this year's edition. We'd love to hear any and all feedback, suggestions, and recommendations you have. The more we hear from you, the better the next edition will be!

3 Replies to “How Have You Used STC’s Salary Database?”

  1. Kristi, the Salary Database uses the previous year’s data, so the 2008 Salary Database came out in 2009 and evaluated date from 2008. The data for 2009 was just released, and Rick is currently evaluating it and writing up his report for us. I misspoke in the blog entry in calling it the 2010 Salary Database; this next entry will be the 2009 Salary Database.

  2. I did share the Salary Database with my management back in 2008. It seemed to have no effect at the time, but within 6 months, I got a promotion and a raise DURING A JOB FREEZE.

    I can’t say the two events were related but having the Salary Database in my pocket gave me the internal courage to promote my own value within the company and my management reacted accordingly.

    And I forgot to say thank you at the time, so let me say it now: “Thanks STC. Y’all are truly rocking my world.”

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