How Much Change Was In that Jar?

Last week, Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger posted about his vacation plans, including a photo of a jar of coins that supplied some fun money for the trip. I invited guesses for the amount in the jar, and promised to make a $5 bet for the person who guessed closest. There were seven guesses in the comments section and another half dozen arrived via email. And now for the winner [please do a drumroll on your desk or table as you read this] …

RANDI! The total amount of coins in the jar was a whopping $456.57, and Randi's guess of $259.56 was the highest and thus the closest. Note to self: ditch the plans to play “guess the number of jellybeans” at the 2012 Summit for prizes.

Randi did not include a preferred bet, so I'll pick one for him/her. When you add all five digits in the guess together you get 27 and 2+7=9, so I'll put a bet down on 9 when playing craps today. I just relearned how to play yesterday, so don't hold your breath, Randi! 

Thanks to all who played our game!

0 Replies to “How Much Change Was In that Jar?”

  1. Thank you Kevin. I’m not much of a gambler myself, but 9 sounds good. I collect and roll my spare change too, and made the guess based on the amount I generally get.

    By the way, I am a Her.

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