Upcoming Webinar on 10 July: What Should Technical Communicators Do When Products “Just Work”?

One of the challenges technical communicators face is the sometimes-held belief that “no one reads the manual,” and that the technical documentation budget would be better spent on improving the usability of product itself. What is the future for technical communicators when many organizations believe products are getting easier and they don't need to spend so much on user documentation?

Find out with Ellis Pratt on Tuesday, 10 July, from 10:00-11:00 AM EDT (GMT-4) when he presents What Should Technical Communicators Do When Products “Just Work”? This webinar will look at how to deal with this belief and what it means to your future. Is the traditional model for technical communication broken? The session will look at research into how “cool” apps such as Facebook do (or don't) provide Help, and suggest how to deal with developers who believe the need for a user guide is a sign of poor software usability.

Please note the new time for our Tuesday webinars: 10:00-11:00 AM EDT (GMT-4), rather than 9:00-10:00 PM.

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