Have you considered running for the STC Board of Directors or Nominating Committee? Do you have colleagues with ideal qualifications to serve? If so, consider recommending yourself or others for consideration for Society-level office. The 2018 STC ballot will include candidates for Vice President, Secretary, Director (two positions), and Nominating Committee Member (two positions).
Desirable skills for Society-level officers include:
- Experience with budgeting and reading and understanding financial reports
- Well-connected within the technical communication industry
- Ability to market and publicize STC
- Experience with management and decision-making within organizations like STC
- Experience with fundraising and cultivating sponsors
- Thought leader status within the profession
- Attendance or participation in other technical communication-related organizations and events
- Ability to identify and articulate trends in the profession
If you have some of the above skills or experience, we’d love to hear from you. Recommendations are due 1 September 2017. For more information, or to recommend yourself or another STC member, visit: https://www.stc.org/elections/stc-officer-candidate-recommendation-form/
Questions? Contact Adriane Hunt, STC Nominating Committee Chair, at adrianehunt@gmail.com, or Elaine Gilliam, staff liaison, at Elaine.Gilliam@stc.org.