An Important Message from the STC Board Concerning the 2020 Election

It has come to the Board’s attention that concerns have been raised over the decision to run an unopposed candidate for Vice President in the 2020 STC election.

We appreciate the discussion from committed STC members, and we understand the concerns set forward. We were faced with a unique situation this year and would like to provide some context for the decision.

This is an important time for STC. We are making significant changes to our operations, and we are introducing new initiatives to improve the health of the Society. In the midst of these changes, both the Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors feel that it is crucial now more than ever to have experienced leadership at the helm of STC.

The Nominating Committee put forth a dedicated effort to recruit willing, experienced, qualified, and prepared candidates, and contacted several potential nominees for Vice President. Only one was available to run this year. The Committee chose to put forward the 2020 slate with a single excellent candidate rather than to include any less prepared candidates.

The Board discussed the recommended slate at length at the 1 November board meeting. (Sitting Board members who are currently running for office recused themselves from these discussions.) During the meeting, we voted unanimously to waive the requirement to have multiple candidates for the office of Vice President (as is provided for in the Society’s bylaws). This decision was not made lightly, but was made in the best interest of the Society, as is our duty.

If anyone in the STC membership would like to contact the Board on this topic or any other, we encourage you to email the board directly at

Jane Wilson
STC Immediate Past President and Nominating Committee Chair