Lloyd Tucker, STC's director of meetings and education, will be leaving STC and entering the wild and wonderful world of retirement; his last day is Friday, 27 June.
Lloyd joined STC seven and a half years ago and has built up the education and elearning areas into a source of pride for the Society. He has overseen the birth and maturity of our online education, introducing STC members to live Web seminars, virtual conferences, online courses, Summit@aClick, free archived seminars, and the latest entry, the Virtual Track at the Summit.
“I have enjoyed the opportunity and free hand given me to develop a first-rate education department, and in particular the elearning program,” said Lloyd. “The Society’s elearning program is unparalleled for an association the size of STC and stands tall even compared to larger organizations and I am very proud of that. I appreciate your support and tolerance of an elearning program that has always been ‘in perpetual beta' but improved and grew as we went in new directions and tried new things. I am particularly proud of the successful Virtual Track we just offered at the Summit in Phoenix.”
As the longest-tenured employee at STC, Lloyd has contributed to the success of many programs and provided support in multiple areas.
“Lloyd has given an enormous amount of time, skill, and wisdom to the continued vitality of STC,” commented CEO Chris Lyons. “He is a sounding board and keeper of past knowledge for many decisions made here. He is the driver of our popular Summit and STC’s standing as one of the most innovative education leaders in associations of our size. Many of our members don’t realize that Lloyd is also well known in the association world for the education program he’s developed. Irreverent and able to take it as well as dish it out, Lloyd has been fun to work with. The entire staff will certainly miss him and we wish him every success in his next endeavor—and some well-deserved time off.”
Lloyd may be retiring, but he's not hitting the shuffleboard courts and beaches full-time quite yet. “You will probably see me around LinkedIn,” he says, “as I am going to be starting a third career as an elearning consultant in the association world. Thanks again to you all.”
All of us at STC wish Lloyd well in his retirement.
I know of no other professional organization with the variety of educational opportunities as the STC. Webinars are offered almost daily. The sessions available on Summit@aClick is significantly more than all previous years, and still good value for money. This year’s Virtual Track at the Summit was a stellar achievement. Lloyd made it happen. Thank you!
I have grown to respect and admire Lloyd through these past years. He was my go-to guy for all things educational and helped Michelle Corbin and I launch our Tech Edit Fundamentals Certificate program. In addition, he was instrumental during my presidency. I will miss him tons and wish him all good things as he moves into his new life!