STC offers free web hosting for all chapters and SIGs. This free service is easy to use and still allows your community full control of their website. Here are frequently asked questions about this service.
Q: Is there phone support from the hosting company?
A: No, there is no phone support, all trouble tickets are submitted via email.
Q: What special options/benefits are included with the hosting?
A: As far as benefits go it is typical hosting with a few additions, such as CloudFlare, SSD storage, MySQL on SSD, and enhanced resources.
Q: What type of hosting?
A: LAMP Hosting, Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP & CPanel.
Q: Hosting company?
A: Hosting is thru a company called A2Hosting.
Q: Is CPanel available?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we able to install our instance of WordPress or other software?
A: You can use any CMS or Web platform of choice that is compatible with the hosting. We recommend WordPress.
Q: Who takes care of updates?
A: Updates are managed by Chapter.
Q: Are we able to install plugins.
A: Yes.
Q: Are we able to select our own theme?
A: Yes.
Q: Do we have to take care of updates to plugins and the theme?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we able to migrate manually to a blank hosting service
A: Yes.
Q: Who is the registrar for our domains?
A: You can continue to use your current registrar or change to a new one of your choice.
Q: How will be assured the domains will be renewed?
A: Registration of chapter domains is currently not handled by the STC directly. All chapters can continue to use their current domain registrar. STC uses GoDaddy and NetworkSolutions to manage domains. Any domains hosted should use the and as nameservers.
Q: What system is set up for renewals?
A: Renewal of hosting or domains? For domains, see answer above. Chapters are not billed for hosting. STC pays the hosting company directly. Any chapter that requests hosting will receive a full CPanel account and all the normal privileges and access that normally comes with a hosting package purchased normally.
To see an example of the CPanel account and its available functions, or to begin the hosting conversion, contact Kobla Fiagbedzi (
This FAQ is also posted on the STC Community Affairs Committee (CAC) website under Resources.
The 2015-2016 STC CAC has got your back!
If you need help, or have a question or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact us.