Spring has sprung with brand new STC education! Make the most of your membership by beefing up your education report card.
This week:
Broken links, outdated content, and translation errors—these nits can be fixed with the use of automated tools. Get Rid of the Nits! Improving Content Quality By Using Automated Tools with Kristin Kronstain Brown is designed to empower content development teams to run automated tests and improve the quality of their deliverables. With a bit of code, anyone can build tools that identify common content nits. automated tools. The webinar is tomorrow, 28 March, at 2:00 PM EDT (GMT-4).
Next week:
Tech comm pros, with the right guidance and context, have the fundamental skills needed to write effective proposals. Proposal Writing in Context is a new STC online course that introduces professional writers to the activities, responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities that characterize proposals written to receive funding. The course runs on Thursdays from 5 April through 10 May at 11:00 AM EDT (GMT-4).