By Ben Woelk | STC Vice President
Hi Everyone,
One of my goals as incoming STC President is to promote opportunities for meaningful membership engagement and leadership. Each year there's a cadre of committed volunteers who take on roles as community leaders, committee chairs and members, special task force members, and even chairing the STC Summit. Much of this work is behind the scenes, but we can't do everything we do without you.
Personally, I've found the leadership and service opportunities I've experienced in STC to be the highlight of my professional career. That's why I'm passionate about the organization and about getting you involved.
You can read about many of the committees at
Drop me a note by 15 April and let me know if you're interested in serving and if you have a specific area in mind. I can't guarantee you'll be on a specific committee, but we will find an appropriate opportunity for you to serve.
Ben Woelk