June’s STC Roundtable: Leadership and Teams

Participate in STC Roundtable for free this month! June's theme is “leadership and teams” curated by Toni Mantych. If you've never participated in STC Roundtable, you simply need to sign up for free by clicking here. Don't forget to discuss this month's content on the forums! Don't miss week 1's webinar: The Power of Venn: Using Teams to Maximize Our Impact on Wednesday, 5 June.

Across industries, the ways we work are changing. The digital transformation of workplaces, the rise of Generation Z, and an increasingly competitive marketplace with more complex products and services are combining to make collaboration and cross-functional teamwork both more necessary and prevalent. How are these trends impacting tech comm, which has always been, inherently, a highly collaborative enterprise? As individuals, how do we need to adapt to maximize our influence as work becomes more collaborative? During the month of June, STC Roundtable will look at different modes of working together from both an organizational and an individual perspective.

Week 1: Webinar: The Power of Venn: Using Teams to Maximize Our Impact

Week 2: We’ll look at several assessments and tools that can be used to identify and then leverage the various strengths of team members.

Week 3: Panel Discussion: TechComm Teams and Collaboration

Week 4: In a recorded audio interview, Katie Ott discusses with Toni the parallels between her day job (Director of Product Content at ServiceNow) and her “side” job (co-owner and player for semi-pro women’s tackle football team the San Diego Rebellion).