Change Is Happening at STC!

The Society for Technical Communication Board of Directors and CEO are pleased to announce significant and exciting changes to improve STC’s business operations and member services, including a newly formed partnership with Association Headquarters (AH), an association management company. At the 2019 annual business meeting, we referenced making structural changes that would help propel STC forward. This is one of those changes.

We believe the organizations are well-positioned to work together given Association Headquarters’ expert knowledge in nonprofit association management and STC’s mission to provide products, programs, and services that advance members’ professional development. AH provides over sixty associations like STC with cost-effective solutions to achieve their missions and advance the organizations.

Association Headquarters is dedicated to helping STC and its members develop a strong identity and create awareness about the profession. Through our partnership, STC will improve our brand and social media presence, increase member retention, recruit new members, grow meeting attendance, support industry and community partners, conduct market research, and reduce expenses. In particular, in 2020 STC will outsource several programs and services to AH, including Marketing, Finance, IT and Web, Industry Relations, and Publications. With this partnership, STC’s membership experience and customer service will improve, and all channels for contacting staff are available through the Staff Directory page of STC’s website.

In addition to these changes, five new staff members have come aboard. Please join us in welcoming Phylise Banner as our Director of Education. Many of you know Phylise as an active STC member, an STC Fellow, and a longtime supporter of the profession. Phylise brings her unique set of knowledge, skills, and expertise to STC education initiatives. Also joining the STC staff from AH are Sarah Black, Publications Manager; Deanna Bright, Certification Manager; Darryl Gale, Industry Relations Manager; and Kira Jones, Marketing Manager. Please visit the STC Staff Directory at to learn more about them and to contact them by email or phone.

Congratulations are also due to staff members Elaine Gilliam and Erin Gallalee, whose positions with STC have grown. Elaine has been promoted to STC Director of Meetings and Convention Operations and Erin has been promoted to Director of Membership and Community Relations. Community leaders who have relied on Elaine for many years of excellent community support will find an equally positive customer experience with Erin. Finally, any member or leader who needs IT or Web support should email STC at Dedicated staff will answer these requests through a ticketing system. Most requests will be answered and resolved within 72 hours.

If you have any questions or comments about these changes, please contact

We wish everyone a healthy and prosperous new year.


Ben Woelk

Ben Woelk


Liz Pohland

Liz Pohland

Chief Executive Officer

One Reply to “Change Is Happening at STC!”

  1. Great news! Congrats to Elaine, Erin, and Phylise! And welcome aboard to the AH staff.

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