STC Education Roundup: Become a More Productive Editor

Summer is in full swing, and so is STC's Summer education. Check out the webinars and online courses we have coming up in the months of July and August.

This Week:

Microsoft Word is one of the most commonly-used tech editing tools, and it's more powerful than most users realize. Tomorrow at 2PM EDT, join Kelly Schrank to expand your Word toolbox and become a more productive editor. 

Next Week: 

Don't miss next week's FREE STC member-only webinar, sponsored by TechSmith! This webinar will share new, original research from TechSmith that quantifies (in time and dollars) the impact of images and video on understanding, retention of complex information, tasks completion, and productivity. The Dollars and Sense of Visuals in Content: Original Research and Innovative Approaches takes place 18 July at 1:00 PM EDT. 

Next Month: 

Kick off your tech comm career with TechComm Fundamentals Bootcamp online course with Leah Guren. Perfect for newbies, those without formal training, and veterans looking for a refresher. The course begins 5 August and runs through 23 September:

If you're interested in tech editing but don't know where to get started, check out Technical Editing Foundations with Li-At Rathbun! Beginning 7 August and running through 11 September, this course has everything you need to get started in the field.