New webinar at STC – TIM Talks!

STC President, Tim Esposito, sat down with new STC Executive Director, Tim Shaw, in preparation for their TIMTalks webinars.


I’m delighted to announce that the Board of Directors has hired Tim Shaw as STC’s new permanent Executive Director. Tim initially joined us in May 2023 in an interim capacity and has been a tremendous asset to the organization. I recently sat down with Tim to talk about the Society and his vision for the future.


Tim, I’m so glad to officially welcome you as the STC Executive Director. Tell me a little bit about your background and what you bring to STC. 

Thanks. My background is in helping nonprofits succeed and grow through challenges, and I’ve spent over 25 years doing just that. I am very excited to be a part of STC as the organization is going through changes in every aspect. I see a bright future for STC and its members and look forward to helping STC navigate through this period of opportunity and growth. 


Where do you see STC moving in the next few years?

We have some incredible opportunities in front of us–capitalizing on new developments in the marketplace and reaching a broader audience for whom tech comm is only a portion of their role during this era of consolidation. 

As Executive Director, my goal is to increase the Board’s capacity so that its goals are both manageable and attainable. My role allows me to be a key contact to engage the STC network for the benefit of the membership and the broader profession. I also work with the Board of Directors to set short- and long-term goals and bring those to life through general administration and project management.  

STC is at a crossroads, both in terms of what it means to be a member and how to be fiscally strong and sustainable. The organization is rebuilding after the COVID lockdown and rebuilding its membership base, while managing cash flow and expenses. I see STC being back at the top of tech comm organizations, with a robust membership worldwide and with the assets to be sustainable while continuing to grow.


What are we currently doing to accomplish these objectives?

I’m thrilled at how much the Society has accomplished since I arrived in May. In my work with the Board of Directors, we’re shaping our ability to grow the Society and deliver resources and value to our members. In 2024, we’re: 

  • Updating our technology: A new member database and a new and more user-friendly STC website are under way. 
  • Refining our governance: The Board of Directors recently adopted revised bylaws to increase the capacity for leadership, action, and growth over time. These revisions include updating Board member eligibility requirements, including how officers are elected; growing member representation by expanding the size of the Board; and updating the duties, qualifications, and term limits of officers and directors. You can review the updated bylaws by visiting
  • Increasing member value: We continue to offer high-caliber, high-impact educational and networking opportunities, like the Summit, educational courses and webinars, communities of practice, and local and virtual chapters. 


What are the next steps for achieving this vision? 

As we work to prepare the Society for the next few years of service and growth, the Board and I are:  

  • Building value for members and other tech comm professionals, educators, and students 
  • Offering new educational and networking opportunities 
  • Ensuring that communities and committees are flexible and can have maximum impact to engage members wherever they are 
  • Building on the successes of past Summits, we will gather from 17 – 19 May, in Bloomington, MN (outside Minneapolis), for the 2024 Summit !
  • Forwarding the Society’s mission, vision, objectives, and programs, as set by the STC Board of Directors 
  • Building support for the technical communication professional journey–from programming for undergraduates, to engagement for young professionals, to support for seasoned experts and educators 


Who should members contact with questions or suggestions? How can members partner in the future of STC? 

This is a really exciting time for STC, so it’s a perfect time for members to plug in at the local, regional, or international level. I’ve been encouraged and inspired by meeting so many STC members thus far, and I look forward to hearing from many more about the value they receive from the Society and how we can serve them even better. 

Members can support our future growth and development by: 


Tim, this really is an exciting time of growth and opportunity for STC members. Thank you for all the work you do for the Society, and I look forward to partnering with you on these initiatives as the Society works to further advance professional opportunities for its members. 

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