Simplifying Your Community Finances with Quicken

Keeping track of your community’s finances can be a chore, especially if you’re using a written checkbook or homebrew Excel sheet. When it comes time to do your STC budget or financial report, guessing at the expenses and income for all the budget categories can be tricky. We recommend you use Quicken to track your community expenses. Quicken is a software application for both the PC and Mac.

Who’s There for Communities? Timothy Esposito! Meet the CAC Team for 2015-2016

Timothy Esposito is a Principal Technical Writer at Oracle Corporation where he works on logistics software. An STC member since 2005, for the Philadelphia Metro Chapter Timothy has served as Scholarship Chair, Treasurer, Webmaster, and was recently elected Vice President. Additionally Tim has participated in the 2012 STC budget review committee, helped plan the STC NY-PMC-Houston regional competition, and assisted in organizing and running the PMC Mid-Atlantic Technical Communication Conference, all while managing the technology for the chapter. This year he won the Distinguished Chapter Service Award.