July’s STC Roundtable: Are Chatbots Taking Over User Assistance?
Participate in STC Roundtable for free this month! July’s theme is “content design and development for machine delivery” curated by Toni Byrd Ressaire.
Participate in STC Roundtable for free this month! July’s theme is “content design and development for machine delivery” curated by Toni Byrd Ressaire.
What’s all the fuss about this Design Thinking thing, anyway?
If you need to document a REST API, this workshop at the STC Summit is for you!
This year’s STC Technical Communication Summit & Expo Opening Keynote is Peter Morville, founding father of information architecture, and expert on user experience and findability. The Summit is 5-8 May 2019 in Denver, Colorado. Nicky Bleiel, Conference Co-Chair, chatted with Peter about his upcoming keynote, planning, and common threads.
For those interested in-depth learning, the Summit offers both full-day and half-day preconference workshops taught by experts in their respective fields.
Want to get a head start on the 2019 Technical Communication Summit & Expo? We’ve got a fantastic lineup of half and full day preconference workshops on Sunday, 5 May.
The November 2018 issue of Technical Communication focuses on the timely subject of “Technical Communication and Election Technologies.”
Summer school is in session with STC education! Make the most of your membership by beefing up your education report card.
Summer school is in session with STC education! This week: Minimalist Writing and July online courses.