Watch Out!: Monitoring Social Media for Documentation Feedback (Spotlight Sessions)
Your marketing department uses social media to monitor your brand and your company’s reputation. Did you know that you can also monitor those sites and networks to get feedback that your documentation team can use? In this session we will discuss the various sites and methods you can use to help your documentation team improve […]
Mobile Content Optimization and Publishing
Going Mobile? How to Optimize Content and Format This session will cover an overview of the mobile space. A one-size-fits-all approach will never be optimal, and with the correct techniques and strategies your content can be optimized for multi-device publishing. We will cover content techniques, CSS techniques, and the various publishing formats available.
Technical Writer’s Introduction to Global English
This session gives you a thorough introduction to guidelines that should be followed by all technical writers and editors, but especially those whose content will be translated/read by non-native speakers of English. Abundant examples will illustrate how the Global English guidelines can eliminate ambiguities and improve readability.
What’s New In Tech Comm Suite 3 and FrameMaker 10
Learn what’s new in Technical Communication Suite 3. The session will highlight the new FrameMaker 10 and RoboHelp 9 Integration along with DITA 1.2 support.
10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design
User Experience has been getting a lot of play, but many businesses are confused about what it actually is and how crucial it is to their success. Find out the 10 biggest mistakes people make when defining what UX comprises.