Bradford Connatser

Bradford Connatser

Technologist, Electric Power Research Institute

Bradford Connatser, CPTC, has worked as a technical writer and editor for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) for 25 years, which conducts research and development related to the generation, delivery, and use of electricity for the benefit of the public. Connatser has authored dozens of articles in trade magazines and peer-review journals and has taught technical writing and English composition at Temple University, Maryville College, and Pellissippi State Community College. He has served in various capacities in the East Tennessee Chapter of STC. He holds an associate's degree in electrical engineering technology and Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Editing at the Sentence Level Using the APost Method 1 Hours April 19, 2017


Society for Technical Communication
11110 Sunset Hills Road | Reston, VA 20195