11 Real World Insights for Template Based Writing
Templates-pre-designed screen layouts-are central to many content management implementations. But how templates really work in practice? This interactive session provides 11 insights into the adoption of templates that emerged from a four-year study of 11-cases of template-based documents in 10 organizations. The insights range from specific issues
Changing the Workflow: Implementing a Documentation Wiki
Implementing a wiki-based documentation solution does more than just change a documentation’s department workflow. This case study takes a look at how ExactTarget took on the challenge of a new wiki and used it to change the way documentation needs and products are realized.
Understanding Users Through Ethnography and Modeling
Great product design starts with a deep understanding of the work that users do in the real world. Build your understanding through observation, interviews, surveys, and artifact collection. Share your understanding with KJ analysis, personas, and scenarios. Validate and prioritize your understanding with follow-up surveys.
Indexing Technical Documents: Approaches
A good index to a technical document reduces costs and saves the time and energy of your customers, users, and clients. Learn guidelines on how to approach an unfamiliar process, the indexing of technical documents. Traditional indexing methods as well as alternative strategies will be explained.
Develop and Optimize Content using RoboHelp
In this session, we will discuss how to create engaging and interactive eLearning content, Knowledge Bases, and Policies & Procedures using RoboHelp. We will also discuss how you can enhance, manage, track, and optimize your online content using RoboHelp Server.